We use Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Magnetotelluric (MT), Controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT) , Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics (AMT) and Transient electromagnetics (TEM).
Decreased productivity: Is mineral deposition responsible for decreased permeability? How quickly are permeable channels blocking up? How many voids remain open? Are some rock units more susceptible to mineral infill? How and why are minerals influencing well performance?
Fracture versus matrix permeability: Are fractures and voids connected or isolated? Are there lateral or vertical variations within the same stratigraphic unit?
Sustainability: Assess production and re-injection well sustainability from a perspective of fluid-rock interaction.
Changes over time: Map mineral formation sequences directly related to changes in fluid temperature, chemistry, type and pH. Track steam overprinting and migrating boiling zones.
Subsidence: Which rock formations are more prone to subsidence? Does the same rock unit located at different parts of the geothermal field behave differently in terms of subsidence? What are the mineralogical controls on subsidence?